DNA Test - Fingerprints

  • 4.5 評分
  • 2M 下載次數
  • 4+ 年齡


  • 名稱 DNA Test - Fingerprints
  • 類別
  • 價格 0
  • 安全性 100% Safe
  • 開發者 LoveStoryHub
  • 版本 6.0
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints
DNA Test - Fingerprints

Check your probability of relationship to your friends by taking the DNA test in our fingerprints scanner simulator.

To test the probability of relationship, you and your friend have to place your fingers on the scanners and hold them there until the test is completed. The detector will analyze the information and calculate the percentage of the probability of relationship.

Please, remember that this app is intended only for entertainment, jokes, and pranks. All results are randomly generated.

If you want to get maximum - 99.9 percent or minimum - 0.001 percent of the probability of relationship, then click on the key-shaped button. Then you can find out which secret buttons you need to press for this.
