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Zodiac Signs Compatibility

  • 4.1 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Zodiac Signs Compatibility
  • категория Образ жизни
  • Цена 0
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик IVR
  • Версия 7.0
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility
Zodiac Signs Compatibility

Zodiac Signs Compatibility is a free application that offers you the ability to check the compatibility in the love that your zodiac sign has every day quickly and easily on your Android device.

Application features

💕 Compatibility in the love of your sign with each zodiac sign.

💕 Plus and minus compatible sign of the day directly.

💕 Tips and advice to conquer the zodiac signs.

💕 Automatic daily notification every day.

💕 Possibility of sharing your daily compatibility on your social networks.

💕 Compatible signs of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Additionally, we also indicate the compatibility in the family, friendship, work and business with all the signs.

Compatibility of love for all Zodiac Signs: ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓

Receive a notification every day informing you the compatibility of your sign! 🔔

The application is completely intuitive, in addition to having a serious and formal design. It fulfills 100% its objective: to give you the daily compatibility of your sign with others every day for free in the comfort of your Android device.

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