Microsoft Teams

  • 4+ ALTER

Über diese App

  • Name Microsoft Teams
  • Kategorie Geschäft
  • Preis Free
  • Sicherheit 100% Safe
  • Entwickler Microsoft Corporation
  • Version 1416/
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams

Latest Update: Microsoft Teams New Sign Language View

Microsoft has a new dedicated sign language view for its Microsoft Teams video conferencing platform. This feature helps sign language users to select up to two other participants’ videos to be fixed in a central location, allowing designated signers to be visible throughout the whole meeting. Update now to try the new function.


Easily manage your team’s projects with file editing and sharing on the go

Connect face-to-face with HD audio and video, and join meetings from almost anywhere

Chat privately or in groups, and communicate with the entire team in dedicated channels

Mention individual team members, or the whole team at once, to get your colleagues’ attention

Focus on what matters most by saving important conversations and customizing your notifications

Get the enterprise-level security and compliance you expect from Office 365


Highly customizable

Integrated with other Microsoft Office apps

Plentiful integration options


Only convenient to use in a Microsoft-centric environment

Compartmentalized design gives an air of formality and rule-following that may inhibit open dialogue

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