Kaspersky SafeKids

  • 4+ ALTER

Über diese App

  • Name Kaspersky SafeKids
  • Kategorie Erziehung
  • Preis Free
  • Sicherheit 100% Safe
  • Entwickler Kaspersky Lab Switzerland
  • Version
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids
 Kaspersky SafeKids

Our Free version lets you:

- Block harmful sites and content to ensure safe search

- Block bad YouTube search requests * NEW!

- Manage app use

- Set screen time limits

- Get advice from child psychologists

Our Premium version gives you everything in Free, plus it lets you:

- Check your kids’ YouTube search history* NEW!

- Locate your children on a map

- Define a safe area for them to stay in

- Find out when their devices are low on battery

- Manage their device use versus their schedule

- Get real-time notifications on what they’re up to

- View detailed reports on their online habits

Kaspersky Safe Kids is rated “Excellent” in an independent review by PC Mag, and certified as Approved Parental Control by AV-Test. This superior parental guidance app is also available for Mac, Windows and more.

Download it now & start protecting your kids online and beyond.

Getting started with Kaspersky Safe Kids is easy:

1. Install the app on your devices in Parents mode

2. Install the app on your kids’ devices in Kids mode and follow the quick setup instructions

3. Sign-in to your My Kaspersky account – ‘Kids’ tab – at my.kaspersky.com/mykids for initial setup and protection rules management. Please use one single My Kaspersky account for all your Kaspersky Safe Kids installations.

* Safe Search in YouTube is compatible with browsers on your Android & other mobile devices, as well as Windows PCs. Plus it works directly inside the official YouTube app on Android phones & tablets.

** We recommend that you turn on your Global Positioning System (GPS) to increase the accuracy of your child’s location. Please note, the GPS usage increases battery power consumption.

The app uses the Device Administrator permission.

The app uses Accessibility services.

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