Spriggy Pocket Money

  • 4.9 評分
  • 800M 下載次數
  • 4+ 年齡


  • 名稱 Spriggy Pocket Money
  • 類別 教育
  • 價格 Free
  • 安全性 100% Safe
  • 開發者 Spriggy
  • 版本 2.8.6
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money
Spriggy Pocket Money

What can Spriggy do for Parents?

  • Automated weekly or fortnightly pocket money payments, no more hunting for coins
  • Set and manage paid/unpaid jobs around the house
  • Set visual savings goals, teaching how to save and not rely on debt
  • Track spending as it happens with real-time notifications
  • No more confusing transactions, with a detailed spending history showing exactly where the Spriggy card has been used
  • Transfer emergency funds instantly when needed
  • Lock or reorder a new card in-app anytime
  • Birthdays, Christmas or any other gifting occasion will now be a breeze. with spriggy.me friends and family can send money straight to the Spriggy card

Families tell us that when they set up weekly or fortnightly pocket money payments, the value of money quickly becomes clear. When pocket money runs out, they have to wait for the next payment before they can spend again. With this new independence, they will make mistakes, but that’s how they learn. Better at age 8 with money from chores, than age 28.

About Spriggy:

Spriggy is on a mission to help raise financial literacy in Australia and simplify family life. We believe that life’s best financial lessons are taught, practically, as early as possible.

The reason Aussie families love Spriggy is because it’s not just a place to keep money like a bank account or a piggy bank, rather it’s a place to experience money in a safe and practical way.
