• 4.4 評分
  • 10M 下載次數
  • 4+ 年齡


  • 名稱 NHS COVID-19
  • 類別 醫療
  • 價格 Free
  • 安全性 100% Safe
  • 開發者 Department of Health and Social Care
  • 版本 6.0__358_

The new NHS COVID-19 app is the Official NHS contact tracing app for England and Wales.

It is the fastest way of knowing when you’re at risk from Coronavirus. The quicker you know, the quicker you can alert your loved ones, and your community.

The more of us that use it, the better we can control coronavirus.

The app runs on proven software developed by Apple and Google, designed so that nobody will know who or where you are. And you can delete your data, or the app, at any time.

May 20, 2022: New Update

App analytics fields have been updated to reflect recent changes to guidance in England and Wales.

February 25, 2022: Government’s New Plans Against Covid-19

The Prime Minister has confirmed domestic legal restrictions will end on 24 February, which means routine contact tracing ends, including venue check-ins on the NHS COVID-19 app.

January 27, 2022: Covid rules changed

Following the success of the booster rollout, the government has announced a return to Plan A for managing COVID-19. From 27 January, there is no longer a legal requirement for venues and events to check visitors’ NHS COVID Pass. However, users are still able to show their vaccination status and recent negative test result by using the NHS COVID-19 app on a voluntary basis.

December 14, 2021: New policy

People will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace or via the NHS COVID-19 app to tell them they are a contact of someone who tested positive and what action they need to take. It is newly announced that daily testing would become mandatory for anyone double-jabbed who comes into contact with a COVID-19 case. Moreover, those fully vaccinated should take a daily lateral flow test for seven days to slow the spread of the virus.

November 9, 2021: No recognition of booster injections

It is frequently reported that the Covid Pass within the NHS App currently can only display data for first and second jabs, with third or booster injections not recorded. This blunder was left unaddressed for long; however, it began imposing a great negative impact on holidaymakers as other countries introduced “expiry dates”.


Trace: Find out when you’ve been near other app users who have tested positive for coronavirus

Alert: Lets you know the level of coronavirus risk in your postcode district.

Check-in: Get alerted if you have visited a venue where you may have come into contact with coronavirus, using a simple QR code scanner. No more form filling.

Symptoms: Check if you have coronavirus symptoms and see if you need to order a test.

Test: Helps you order a test if you need to.

Isolate: Keep track of your self-isolation countdown and access relevant advice.

The app has been built in collaboration with some of the most innovative organisations in the world. We have worked with medical experts, privacy groups, at-risk communities and we’ve shared knowledge with the teams working on similar apps in many countries.

Protect your loved ones. Please download the app.

The App is CE marked as a class-I medical device in the United Kingdom and developed in compliance with European Commission Directive 93/42/EEC for class I devices.

Differences between the NHS app and NHS COVID-19 app

NHS app: https://www.appurse.com/com.nhs.online.nhsonline.html

NHS COVID-19 app: https://www.appurse.com/uk.nhs.covid19.production.html

Get confused with the two apps with similar names? Although both belong to the National Health Service, the NHS app and the NHS COVID-19 app are different in functions as follows:

NHS app

Share your COVID-19 status

Order prescriptions

Get help from NHS 111 online

Make GP surgery appointments

Other NHS services

NHS COVID-19 app

See COVID confirmed cases nearby

QR code to check in public places

Refer to COVID symptoms and order tests

Check your isolation status

Generally, the NHS app covers a wider range of medical services, while the NHS COVID-19 focuses more on COVID solutions.
