KJV Bible Now

  • 4.7 評分
  • 490M 下載次數
  • 4+ 年齡


  • 名稱 KJV Bible Now
  • 類別 書籍和參考
  • 價格 Free
  • 安全性 100% Safe
  • 開發者 Bible Now Group
  • 版本
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now
KJV Bible Now

Devotion provides you with daily Bible verses and keeps you company throughout the day!

Daily Bible Verse with notification

Keep in touch with God by reading the daily scriptures

Audio Bible

Listen to the bible and free your hands

Bible Answers

Better access to Bible quizzes, making you a knowledgeable Bible scholar

Bookmark Holy Bible scriptures

Catch up where you left off with a simple bookmark


Take as many notes as you can from the Bible. Take notes in church and attach the same to multiple verses for future reference. We are students of the word so lets spread God's word in Jesus.


Mark favorite verses with all sorts of colors that gives it more meaning.

Quick Search

You can quickly search for chapters or terms using our fast and efficient search system.


▪ Carefully selected Bible verses are offered in daily prayer.

▪ You can search for any scripture you want to find.

▪ Create your own Bible verse notes.

▪ Keep a prayer journal.

▪ We help you live a faithful life every day through quiet time.

▪ Offline Bibles: Read and study Bible verse WITHOUT internet access.

▪ Quickly locate verse.

▪ Highlight verses you like for future Bible study.

▪ Note your inspirations.

▪ Night mode: change to night mode when you read the Bible at night.

▪ Bible quiz feature to make you a knowledgeable Bible scholar.

▪ Audio Bible, hands free.

▪ All of the above features are provided free of charge.

Bible devotion to make your day great!
