Instantly access our ever-growing database of nearly 1,000 recipes for the Instant Pot, Instant Vortex Air Fryers, Instant Omni Toaster Ovens, and Instant Ace Blenders
Learn useful tips and tricks – whether you’re an Instant Pot newbie who’s just getting started, or an Instant Pot pro, looking to test your skills in the kitchen.
Discover how to make the most of your Instant Pot. When should I use preset functions? When should I use natural or quick pressure release? What is sous vide? Find answers to those questions and many more.
Get inspired! Try new cuisines like Mediterranean, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Latin and more.
Find easy recipes that fit your diet and lifestyle. We’ve got plenty of ideas, for our paleo, keto, diabetic, vegan, dairy-free or gluten-free friends!
Learn new ways to cook popular foods like eggs, rice, and chicken or try your hand at something a little sweeter - like baking cheesecakes, brownies and cobblers
Cook faster, easier, healthier and tastier meals with the Instant Pot and the Instant family of appliances!