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Топ загрузок

  • PayByPhone

    Make a Baby: Kid Care Sim Game

  • PayByPhone

    Flirtini - Chat, Flirt, Date

  • PayByPhone

    FlickReels - Enjoy Short Drama

  • PayByPhone

    Mirror of Past Life : Magic, P

  • PayByPhone

    Ranking Challenge: Fun Filter

  • PayByPhone

    How I will die - Predict death


Tayasui Sketches

  • 4.7 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Tayasui Sketches
  • категория Искусство и дизайн
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Tayasui
  • Версия 1.0.62
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches
Tayasui Sketches

- Import photos

- Incredibly realistic watercolor wet brush

- Brushes Editor

- Color Eyedropper

- Advanced sharing and export functions

• Layers

- Use layers to simplify your task

• Stylus support

Discover even more realistic brushes with the use of a Wacom Stylus.

The brushes have been designed so that each stroke behaves vividly and truly like a brush on paper, adapting the pressure, angle, and width to your movements.

• List of tools

- Pencil

- Rotring

- Watercolor Dry and Wet brushes

- Acrylic brush

- Pen

- Felt Pen

- Pen Brush

- Oil Pastel

- Airbrush

- Area and Filling tool

- Patterns

- Text

- Eraser

- Cutter to copy/paste

- Smudge tool

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