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Siri Assistnt voice commands

  • 3.8 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Siri Assistnt voice commands
  • категория Образование
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Meloa Voice commands assistant
  • Версия 1.0
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands
Siri Assistnt voice commands

And this is the best siri android app If you want to know about alternatives of the siri virtual assistant get Siri for Android Tips. We collected voice commands for Siri and divided them into categories. with our fun voice Commands for Siri App !

These commands will work on Apple Homekit, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV and Mac.

This is some examples of commands for siri assistant that you will find in this app:

Activating and setting up Siri Guide

Set an alarm for [time].

Call [Name].

Text [name], [the message].

Ask siri stock commands

Set an alarm for [Time].

Set a repeating alarm for [the label].

Siri stock price

Schedule a conference call with Olivia today at 12 PM.

Hey siri, Launch [App].

take a Photo or Video using simple Siri voice commands

Read my new messages.

Set the timer for 10 minutes.

Secret siri commands

Check my recent calls.

Hey siri, Check my voice mail.

Create note [say The note].

Funny siri commands

How Turn on/off wifi, bluetooth, change password and more with siri online voice commands.

Play voice mail from Mia.

Siri, Play an Workout music playlist.

Hey Siri, Synonyms for [Hompod].

Create a meeting.

Hey Siri, play music.


  • This App is NOT sponsored, authorized or affiliated with Apple.
  • Note that this Voice Commands for Siri App is only giving some useful information, commands and guide about Siri assistant app and there are not siri in android and no apk app for siri to date.

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