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Playnimes Animes

  • 4.6 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Playnimes Animes
  • категория Видеоплееры и редакторы
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Atom Animes
  • Версия 2.6.1
Playnimes Animes
Playnimes Animes
Playnimes Animes
Playnimes Animes

Using Playnimes Animes is super easy, as it works just like any other multimedia library: Just open the app to see a list of the latest anime that you can sort by series, genre, name, or number of episodes.

Once you've found an anime you want to watch, just tap its name or its cover and the app will redirect you to another page with brief but accurate technical information. The chapters are on the same page and are organized by season. Just tap one and it will start playing automatically.

Playnimes Animes also lets you save your favorite to a separate file, so you don't have to search for it manually every time you want to watch a new episode. Not only that, but you can download episodes and watch them anytime, even without an internet connection.

As mentioned earlier, all Playnimes Anime content is in Portuguese and Japanese, so you will need at least some fluency in one of these two languages to be able to enjoy all that it offers.

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