Популярные поиски

Топ загрузок

  • PayByPhone


  • PayByPhone

    Prison Phone: Fake Call&Chat

  • PayByPhone

    Pizza Ready!

  • PayByPhone

    Fake Chat Conversation - prank

  • PayByPhone

    Make a Baby: Kid Care Sim Game

  • PayByPhone

    Flirtini - Chat, Flirt, Date


Hype Simulator

  • 3.9 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Hype Simulator
  • категория Видеоплееры и редакторы
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Piyada Interactive
  • Версия 4.3.2
Hype Simulator
Hype Simulator
Hype Simulator
Hype Simulator
Hype Simulator

The environment is completely controlled, and all of your data is safe, only ever stored on your own device (we do not store ANY data, including photos you upload, what you say to your "fans", search terms, profile data etc).

We are not affiliated with any other social media platform. In fact, we are not a social media platform at all. This app is merely a parody on the concept of social media fame, and serves the purpose of educating people about how digital fame feels.

We hope that after using our app, people will recognize that the important thing is not the number of likes they got, but the people they engaged with and the content they created.

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