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Топ загрузок

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Google Fit

  • 4.9 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Google Fit
  • категория Здоровье и фитнес
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Google LLC
  • Версия 2023.07.06.04.arm64-v8a.release
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit
Google Fit

Google Fit Features:

  • Track any activity: When you walk, run or ride throughout the day, your mobile phone or Android Wear watch can automatically logs them with Google Fit.
  • Get instant insights: Acquire real-time stats for your walks, runs and rides. Google Fit can record your speed, route, pace, elevation and more on your track
  • Reach your goals: Set goals on time, steps, distance, calories burned and more. You can also receive personalized recommendations and coaching advises.
  • Measure your wellness: Aggregates information from other apps like Nike+, Runkeeper, MyFitnessPal, Android Wear and more to track fitness, sleep, weight, and nutrition.

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