Популярные поиски

Топ загрузок

  • PayByPhone

    Make a Baby: Kid Care Sim Game

  • PayByPhone

    Flirtini - Chat, Flirt, Date

  • PayByPhone

    FlickReels - Enjoy Short Drama

  • PayByPhone

    Mirror of Past Life : Magic, P

  • PayByPhone

    Ranking Challenge: Fun Filter

  • PayByPhone

    How I will die - Predict death


Chamba App

  • 2.9 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Chamba App
  • категория Бизнес
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик Chamba LLC
  • Версия 4.3.9
Chamba App
Chamba App
Chamba App
Chamba App

How does it work?

This app is for finding jobs, we connect you directly with all the restaurants that are hiring through Chamba, this is a direct connection so the hiring time is faster! Just download it, create your profile and start sending applications to every restaurant you are interested in, you can apply with just one click!

In which cities is Chamba available?

For now, most of the jobs are in New York and Colorado. We will be adding more cities soon. Download the app and stay tuned for all the good stuff we will be launching very soon. We recommend you only apply for jobs if you are already present in the US.

Родственные приложения