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Android Studio

  • 4.5 Рейтинги
  • 4+ ВОЗРАСТ

Об этом приложении

  • Имя Android Studio
  • категория Образование
  • Цена Free
  • Безопасность 100% Safe
  • Разработчик dotonce
  • Версия 4.0.0
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio
Android Studio

Features of the app:

1-Everything you want to learn is there and quite easily.

2-Detailed lessons in Arabic and English.

3-Practical examples for each lesson, up to five examples.

4-The source codes of the examples (Java codes and xml codes).

5-Save source code to your device, اelping you to put the code inside your projects.

6-All java and xml attributes of the views.

7-Button shortcuts to help speed up programming.

8-Android studio error and how to solve it.

9-Quiz to train your brain.

10-And the best community activity to communicate with all friends around the world to develop yourself in programming and solve your programming problems.

Content of the app:

1- Resources

*Assets folder

*Drawable folder

▪︎Include Shape, Selector, Clip, Nine Patch, Inset, Ripple, Layer List, Bitmap, Transition, Animated...

*Values folder

▪︎Include Strings.xml, Styles.xml, Attrs.xml, Bools.xml, Dimens.xml, Integers.xml, Ids.xml, Colors.xml,Themes.xml...

*Raw folder

*Layout folder

*Menu folder

*Anim folder

*Animator folder

*mipmap folder

2- UI Widgets

Include layouts, EditText, TextView, TextInputLayout, AutoTextComplete, TextSwitcher, ImageView, ImageButton, ShapeableImageView, ImageSwitcher, ToggleButton, Switch, RadioButton, CheckBox, CheckTextView, Chips, Buttons, Floatingactionbutton, Menus, Clock, Pickers, Chronometer, Seekbar, Slider, RecyclerView, ListView, ViewFlipper, ViewAnimated, VideoView, WebView, ViewPager2, Tablayout, PagerTabStrip, Dialogs, Toast, Snakebar, NavigationView, Toolbar, Bottomsheetbehavior,

ScrollView, CardView, ViewStub.... And more....

3- Advanced

Include Java tutorials, Notification, AlarmManager, Broadcast receiver, Content Provider, Services, Intent, Bundle, Adapter, list,

Thread, AsyncTask, Storages, Activity, Fragment, Firebase, MediaPlayer... And more...

4- Java course

It includes many lessons from the beginning to professionalism, and includes many proverbs in addition to running them directly to see the results.


In spite of the permanent updates to the Android Studio program and the permanent updating also of the libraries used in programming, our application is also in a permanent update for any update in these libraries, to keep our valued users from the most powerful programmers familiar with all the additions in the programming world.

Greetings, thanks:

We always hear your comments regarding adding information or modifying wrong information and also for obtaining software codes.

Thank you for downloading our application, and we will always strive to develop it for the better and better so that no information remains missing in programming until you become a professor of programming.

Thank you for downloading our app, with regards to programmer Alayan.

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