
  • 4.2 등급
  • 280M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 Viper4Android
  • 카테고리 도구
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 ViPER’s Audio
  • 버전

Key features of Viper4Android

  • Gain Control: You can make headphones sound louder or quieter with gain control though the system volume is set to max. However, you need to be careful because it will cause irreparable damage to your speaker or headphones if the voice is set too high.
  • Spectrum Extension: The spectrum performs differently when encoding the greater or lower sound. Users will reach a more detailed sound with a different approach to the replication of the higher spectrum.
  • Viper-DDC: Viper-DDC helps users build a balanced audio response for their headphones, which means that all the highs, mids and lows won't cross each other. However, the real balanced sound needs more than just a $20 headphone, a DDC profile and the phone's audio output. Don't take Viper-DDC as a definitive or the only solution for the balanced audio response.
  • Equalizer: The Equalizer helps a lot when we want to get a more pleasant experience indicating that we expect to get the specific sound from the main speaker.
  • Convolver: As one of the best features of Viper4Android, users will use an IRS(Input Response Sample), namely a sound processor through convolution to play back in real time.
  • Surround Sound: Differential surround also named the Haas effect, can delay the sound to one year from 1 to 35ms primarily, which offers us a false perception of depth. As for the headphone surround, users can choose from the five different surround levels which are designed specially for the headphones.


You need to meet the following needs in order to enjoy the audio effects of Viper4Android on your Android device.

  • Root access
  • Android 2.3 or above
  • Latest BusyBox installed on the device

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