
  • 4.3 등급
  • 680M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 Triplens
  • 카테고리 도구
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Kita Apps
  • 버전 1.1.1

Triplens is a wonderful assistant also for text translations. You can translate pages of texts into a target language just in seconds.


- Object mode: Take a photo or upload one from your gallery. Triplens will recognize the object and translate it into any language you want. You can also listen to the pronunciation of the translation in the target language.

- Text mode: Take a photo of a document with pages or upload a photo from your gallery. Triplens will scan the text and translate it into any language you want.


We offer both a 3 days free trial period and in-app purchases that may require a specific charge to access additional features within.

Our Premium version provides unlimited access to all features. The subscription packages we offer are as follows:

Monthly Package: Current subscription price is $12,99 /month. Our Monthly Package offers a 3 days free trial period, within this period you can cancel at any time without commitment. However, Subscriptions will automatically be renewed every month if you decide not to cancel your plan and continue to enjoy our Premium features. (Prices are in U.S. dollars, may vary in countries other than the U.S. and are subject to change without notice.)

Free Version: With our free version of Triplens, you can get hundreds of text and object translations. You can remove the free version by uninstalling the app from your device.

Trial Version: With the free trial version of the Triplens app, you can have unlimited access to all the features of the app. After the end of the trial period, the package fee will be charged, and you will be upgraded to the paid version. You can cancel the free trial version from your Google Play account at any time during the trial period. For detailed information, please visit the following address:

Paid Version (Premium Version): You can purchase a subscription package and upgrade to the paid version of Triplens at any time. In our paid subscription, you can have unlimited access to all the features of the app without any ads. You can cancel the subscription you have purchased from your Google Play account. For detailed information, please visit the following address:

When you purchase a subscription package, the fee is charged to your Google Play account and it will vary from country to country. You will be clearly disclosed the subscription fee amount before completing the purchase. Subscriptions with in-app purchases will be renewed monthly, according to the renewal scheme of the selected payment plan. To terminate automatic subscription renewal, you must deselect the automatic subscription renewal option 24 hours before your subscription expires

You can cancel automatic renewal from your Google Play account settings at any time you want:


Terms of Use:

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