Thermometer: Weather, Body Temperature, Forecast

  • 4.3 등급
  • 120M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 Thermometer: Weather, Body Temperature, Forecast
  • 카테고리 날씨
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Worthy App World
  • 버전 1.0.4
Thermometer: Weather, Body Temperature, Forecast


  • Location data needed to display outside temperature
  • Temperature Units: Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius (°C)
  • Indoor temperature in Celsius; house temperature in Fahrenheit
  • Wind Units: MPH, KPH, Knots and MAPS
  • Pressure Units: Inches and millibars
  • Live weather forecast

Download this free home temperature meter for your android and detect the temperature of indoor and outdoor .

Note 1: Thermometer does not check users’ temperature, like any body thermometer does.

Note 2: In order to get accurate indoor temperature, leave your phone to rest for about 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, the temperature measured may be imprecise due to the warm battery.

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