
  • 4.2 등급
  • 560M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 SuperSU
  • 카테고리 도구
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Codingcode
  • 버전 2.79

SuperSU features

  • SuperSU tracks the app that you've granted the root permissions.
  • It helps you grant the permissions again automatically next time you run SuperSU.
  • Monitoring how frequently the apps use the root permission will be easily realized on SuperSU.
  • Temporarily, SuperSU can also unroot your mobile device.
  • SuperSU helps to troubleshoot issue when your phone is trapped in boot loops.
  • With the $3 Pro version of SuperSU, users can also lock SuperSU app using PIN code.
  • Users can change the icon and themes with the personalized options.
  • SuperSU also supports to CyanogenMod ROMS.
  • SuperSU offers full color-coded command content logging with different colors for input or output error.

Notice for uninstallation

It needs a special procedure if you want to uninstall the SuperSU app. You will lose the root if you uninstall SuperSU directly. The previous superuser access management solution cannot be operated if you install SuperSU. You need to remember "su binary" because SuperSU runs through your mobile as this name. Just uninstall SuperSU following the steps below.

1. Open the previous Superuser access management tool and sear for the option for it to replace the "su binary".

2. You need to confirm that you're using the right superuser solution you want.

3. Uninstall SuperSU.

관련 앱