Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

  • 4.7 등급
  • 990M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  • 카테고리 엔터테인먼트
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Disney
  • 버전 0.2.110292
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes


  • Create a specialized team: Players can build their team with heroes and various characters from Star Wars universe. Make strategic proposals to lead the team members fight against enemies.
  • Create ultimate strategy: With the strategic proposal made, players can enjoy leading the team members in the battle. Players need to upgrade their levels to increase their ability to attack.
  • Develop team members' ability: In order to increase the damage ability, you need to train your team members by using different tactics and strategy. With the higher level of the role in the game, you will have the ability to unlock special leader abilities.

Players can enjoy the true star war experience because we have put different characters of heroes in this game. It is available on Android and iOS system. Whoever is interested in this game can download it from our website for free.

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