
  • 4.4 등급
  • 930M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 SocialPass
  • 카테고리 생산성
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 SwissHelios
  • 버전 6.0.1

SocialPass, generates a user profile (contact information) in a form of an encrypted QR Code. This QR Code is the visitor’s key to identifying himself/herself at the entrance of or within an event, be it small or big, free, not for profit or payable.

Users can decide to use SocialPass as identification means only. But they can also opt into getting information from the organizers and to take part in marketing activities offering benefits to SocialPass users. SocialPass ID can thus become a digital loyalty card.

관련 앱