
  • 4.8 등급
  • 640M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 PhysiApp®
  • 카테고리 건강 및 피트니스
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Physitrack Limited
  • 버전 3.3.4

From now, you will know exactly which exercises have been prescribed to you, and how you are supposed to perform them.

With PhysiApp, you can securely report back to your physiotherapist or chiropractor how much you completed of a given exercise, and if you felt any pain.

PhysiApp lets your physiotherapist or chiropractor track your progress in detail, and intervene if necessary.

관련 앱