Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab

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  • 880M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

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  • 이름 Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
  • 카테고리 책 및 참고자료
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  • 버전 2.1
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab
Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab


Identify bird songs and calls.

Identify birds in a photo.

Save birds to your life list.

Explore lists of birds near you.

Look up any bird at any location.

Deliver the most accurate results.

How do I get the Merlin Bird ID app?

Merlin runs on devices with Android 5.0 or newer and 1 GB of free space. To download, click on the button below or search Google Play for “Merlin Bird ID”.

How much does the Merlin Bird ID app cost?

It’s free.

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