Job Vacancies Finder

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  • 270M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

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  • 이름 Job Vacancies Finder
  • 카테고리 비즈니스
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Golden Store
  • 버전 6.0
Job Vacancies Finder

- Help your friends find a job by recommending relevant jobs to them directly from the app.

- Tap into the power of your network to find out whether there are any vacancies at the companies where your friends work.

- Increase your profile’s visibility to employers and other professionals alike.

- Get instantly notified when employers view your CV and what keywords were used to find it.

- Get instantly notified when anyone views your Public Profile.

- Never miss out on a job opportunity again! Get job alerts for new jobs that will suit your skills.

- Get access to powerful information that can help you tailor your CV, Public Profile and job applications based on the needs of employers who search for you!

- Discover the three fastest growing job roles in your country, as well as the average salary paid for a specific job title by country

With Job Vacancies Finder's new app, it's never been easier to stay on top of your job search.

Download it now for free

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