DU Battery Saver

  • 4.5 등급
  • 840M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 DU Battery Saver
  • 카테고리 도구
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 DU Security Lab(Antivirus killer and cleaner)
  • 버전
DU Battery Saver

Why do we recommend this application for you?

Phone Cooler

This application can cool down your phone by systematically managing the CPU-intensive apps that will increase the phone temperature.

Charging Manager

It tracks your charging practices to make your battery work in its best state.

Battery Saver

The biggest advantage of DU Battery Saver is that it can force to quite the power-consumptive background apps to save your battery life.

DU Battery Saver is simple to operate for everyone. It protects your phone against poor charging and high operation temperature. Now there are about 400 million users use the DU Batter Saver all over the world.


● Accurate status. There is a detailed analysis provided for you to know how much battery charge you left.

● Estimating remaining battery time. This application will tell you how long your battery will last.

● Battery monitor. The DU Battery Saver helps you know the usage, status and life of the battery.

● One-click optimization. With one click of this application, it will solve lots problems including the power consumption and poor charging.

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