
  • 4.2 등급
  • 440M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 Discord
  • 카테고리 통신
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 Discord Inc.
  • 버전 198.14_-_Stable


Voice & text chat in real-time: With discord, you can chat with friends or team members by sending text, voice, images and video messages in real-time.

Chat in a group or privately: It lets you create a group to communicate effectively with your team members, or you can send one-to-one private messages when it's necessary.

Different settings for each friend: You can mute a specific user or let someone view only audio and text without inviting him into the group. It's particularly useful when playing games with strangers.

Multiple servers: It enables you to manage all your chat groups in one client.

Add BGM to your Discord: There are various ways to add BGM to a voice channel in a call, introducing a bot created by volunteers or making a bot by yourself.

Needs Improvements

Many parts of the application have not yet been translated such as HELP and Q & A features. Whenever trouble occurs, users oversea don't have a proper way to submit feedback or deal with it.

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