5 Gold Rings UK

  • 4.7 등급
  • 900M 다운로드
  • 4+ 연령

이 앱에 대하여

  • 이름 5 Gold Rings UK
  • 카테고리 엔터테인먼트
  • 가격 Free
  • 안전성 100% Safe
  • 개발자 ITV PLC
  • 버전 1.4.54
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK
5 Gold Rings UK

What’s 5 Gold Rings?

5 Gold Rings is an interactive game show where two teams compete against each other by answering questions over five rounds. They need to place the gold rings in the correct part of an image displayed on a huge circular LED floor in the studio.

For example, if the picture is a map of the world, the question may be "Where is the biggest lake on earth? " The team then need to place a gold ring on the exact spot on the map which they think is the right answer. If they get the question wrong, they will lose a ring, and after losing all their rings, they will be eliminated.

As the game goes on, the questions increase in difficulty and the rings decrease in size which makes it more challenging.

What's the prize?

The winner team will get £25,000 while the losing team will go back home empty-handed.

Take part in through the app

5 Gold Rings app allows you to play along with the teams like you were really here. If you score high enough, your name will be showed live on the screen but you won't get the money prize.

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