• 190M UNDUHAN
  • 4+ USIA

Tentang aplikasi ini

  • Nama COVID Alert
  • kategori Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Harga Free
  • Keamanan 100% Safe
  • Pengembang Health Canada | Santé Canada
  • Versi 1.0.3

COVID Alert has no way of knowing:

-your location - COVID Alert does not use GPS or location services

-your name or address

-the place or time you were near someone

-if you're currently near someone who was previously diagnosed

Provincial and territorial governments are working to support COVID Alert across Canada. In some places, people cannot yet report a COVID-19 diagnosis through this app.

It’s still helpful to keep COVID Alert on, no matter where you are. That way, when people are able to report a diagnosis, you’ll find out if you were near them.

COVID Alert was built by Health Canada with the Canadian Digital Service on the private exposure notification framework by Apple and Google.

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