Handy Finder

  • 169M UNDUHAN
  • 4+ USIA

Tentang aplikasi ini

  • Nama Handy Finder
  • kategori Fotografi
  • Harga 0
  • Keamanan 100% Safe
  • Pengembang Welkin Team
  • Versi 5.0
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder
Handy Finder

Welcome to download our Handy Finder! When you can't find your phone, you can find it by clapping your hands. Suitable for people who often can’t find their mobile phones~


👋Find your phone by clapping.

👋You can set it to your favorite sound, clap your hands to find the location of your phone.

👋Open our app to easily find your phone in the dark.

If you like us, download it now and experience it!

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