Australian Bites and Stings

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  • Nama Australian Bites and Stings
  • kategori Kesehatan & Kebugaran
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  • Keamanan 100% Safe
  • Pengembang Healthy limited
  • Versi 4.0.0
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings
Australian Bites and Stings

Download the Australian Bites & Stings App so that the information is available on your phone, even without internet connection, so that you are prepared in Australia’s great outdoors, or at home.This app has been prepared for Australia by Seqirus – one of the world’s few manufacturers of antivenoms – thanks to The Australian Government and the expert assistance of the Australian Venom Research Unit (AVRU).

The App includes:

• First Aid instructions on what to do if bitten or stung by a venomous creature.

• A step-by-step guide to DRSABCD and the Pressure Immobilisation Technique, including expert commentary on why it’s important.

• Information and pictures of venomous spiders, aquatic creatures, jellyfish and creepy crawlies, with maps showing how they may be distributed around Australia.

• 'Be Prepared', 'Bush Safety' and 'Beach Safety' information with a checklist of some essentials for when you venture out.

• Audio resuscitation guide.

• Emergency services call button.

Download the free Australian Bites & Stings App now!

Please note: Information contained in this guide has been designed to provide assistance for the general public on Australian venomous creatures. This guide is specific to Australian fauna, and is based on local resuscitation and envenoming first aid management guidelines published by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC). The information provided is to be used as a reference only and not intended as a substitute for professional first aid training and techniques. Call 000to seek urgent medical advice or assistance.

Authorship and review contributions outlined in the credits section of the app.

Fourth Edition © 2020 Seqirus™ is a trademark of Seqirus UK Limited or its affiliates. Seqirus (Australia) Pty Ltd. ABN 66 120 398 067. Melbourne, Victoria 3052. Date of preparation December 2020. SEQ/AVAT/0520/0165.

This guide is copyright. Apart from any fair dealings for the purposes of private study or use, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act.

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