Alaska Airlines

  • 4+ KOR

Ez az alkalmazás

  • Név Alaska Airlines
  • kategória Utazás és helyi
  • Ár Free
  • Biztonság 100% Safe
  • Fejlesztő Alaska Airlines
  • Verzió 4.11.0
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines

Keep track of your flight information including flight schedule, boarding time, and airport gate changes. Share your travel itinerary with friends and family via email. Receive information about flight delays and more with push notifications.

When you’re at the airport you can keep an eye on First Class and Standby wait lists. You can change your plans to get on an earlier or later flight. We will also send you a notification, telling you if there’s an earlier flight available for you once you've arrived at the airport.

We also offer calendar integration for smartphones, so that you can add your travel information to your calendar. You can track your Mileage Plan™ balance and then use those miles towards flights you can buy on the app, including Award travel.

Lastly, we are always interested in what you have to say about your Alaska travel experience. Please give us your feedback with Alaska Listens, our customer satisfaction survey. Like all of these features, you can find it in our app.

You can find additional information about the Alaska Airlines travel app by visiting

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