• Plant identification
Maybe you are not sure which plant you have? You can just take a picture of it and we will instantly let you know. With Plantas plant scanner you can scan all your house plants to find out the plants name and how to care for them. Note! Only for premium-members.
• Discover plants for every corner of your home
Would you like to put a plant in a bathroom without windows?
Some plants prefer shade and some are sun-lovers. Get to know which plants are suitable in your home based on the different light conditions of your rooms
• All the info - just to be sure
Perhaps you are good at caring for plants, but you just want to make sure you are doing everything right. Find out everything you need to know about what your green companions prefer
• Plant Journal
Follow both your and your plants progress! Are your thumb getting any greener? Add photos and short texts about your plants to see how they grow, remember when they flowered or just keep track of them. Keeping a plant journal is a perfect way to see if your plant likes how you treat them