BOM Weather

  • 4+ ÂGE

À propos de cette application

  • Nom BOM Weather
  • catégorie Météo
  • Prix Free
  • Sécurité 100% Safe
  • Développeur Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  • Version 3.1.4
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather
BOM Weather

- Min/Max

- Possible rainfall range

- Current weather

- Wind in km/h and knots

- Humidity

- Rain since 9am


- 1-hourly forecast for 72 hours including temperature, rain, wind direction and speed in km/h and knots

- 7-day forecast including temperature, text weather summary, fire danger rating, UV Index and sun protection 4 days ahead sunrise/sunset


- Weather warnings for your current locations


- Our popular rain radar

- Pan and zoom rain radar map

- Your location marked on radar map


- Search for any location in Australia

- Save your favourite locations

- ‘Move with me’ (current location)

Other features

- Weather mood background and night-time mode

- Quick access to rain radar

- Enhanced metadata

- Accessible design that allows you to resize the font in your device settings

For more information:

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