▪ When posting a product to sell, you can edit the product by adding photos, name, price, model number and more details.
▪ Here you can find used phones from AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon, tablets, watches and more.
▪ Users can switch between different regions (the U.S., U.K., Canada and Europe).
▪ All the devices posted online must be fully functional without any cracks or water damage.
▪ PayPal is the only accepted form of payment on Swappa.
▪ Swappa charges no fees on sellers.
▪ User-friendly interface
▪ No extra fees charged for the seller
▪ Provide sales trend information
▪ All products must be verified by Swappa staff before they can be posted online.
▪ Not so established
▪ Limited payment methods