Kogan Shopping

  • 4.6 RATINGS
  • 4+ AGE

About this app

  • Name Kogan Shopping
  • category Shopping
  • Price Free
  • Safety 100% Safe
  • Developer Kogan.com
  • Version 2.8.1
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping
Kogan Shopping

App Name: Kogan Shopping

Brief: The Kogan Shopping app brings the convenience of shopping on Kogan.com to your fingertips. Manage your Wishlist, enjoy rapid checkouts, and share your favorite products with ease, making this app a go-to for tech-savvy bargain hunters and Kogan.com enthusiasts.

Core Features:

  • 📋 Wishlist Management: Keep track of desired items and update your Kogan.com Wishlist on-the-go. 📌
  • 💳 Diverse Payment Options: Choose from a multitude of payment methods including Credit Card, Afterpay, Google Pay, and Paypal for seamless purchases. 📌
  • 🚀 Quick Sharing: Share your favorite deals and products with friends instantly, enhancing the social shopping experience. 📌
  • Speedy Shopping: Navigate through the app swiftly, thanks to its user-friendly interface, for faster decision-making and checkout processes. 📌


  • 👍 User-Friendly: Designed for ease of use, making the shopping experience smooth and enjoyable. 👍
  • 👍 Multiple Payment Methods: Offers flexibility with various payment options, catering to different user preferences. 👍
  • 👍 Seamless Wishlist Integration: Effortless management of Wishlist items for efficient shopping planning. 👍
  • 👍 Social Element: Easy sharing of products with friends, adding a communal aspect to online shopping. 👍


  • 👎 Internet Dependency: Requires a stable internet connection for optimal usage, which could be problematic in areas with poor connectivity. 👎
  • 👎 Platform-Specific: Primarily geared towards Kogan.com, which might not appeal to users looking for a more aggregated shopping experience. 👎
  • 👎 Limited To One Retailer: Shopping options are limited to Kogan’s offerings, missing out on the competition's deals. 👎
  • 👎 Potential for In-App Purchases Overload: With fast checkout processes, one might end up spending more than anticipated. 👎


  • 💵 The Kogan Shopping app is free to download and use, though shopping would involve spending on purchased items, and the payment options provided may include transaction fees depending on the service used. 💵

There's no community information to provide for the non-game app Kogan Shopping. Enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience with an app designed to make online purchasing a breeze.

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