Daily Bible

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About this app

  • Name Daily Bible
  • category Books & Reference
  • Price Free
  • Safety 100% Safe
  • Developer The Daily Bible App
  • Version 1.16.1
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible
Daily Bible


▪︎ Spend 5 minutes with God with our Daily Bible Devotionals

▪︎ Dive deep into scripture and study the Bible verses, word by word

▪︎ Receive Daily Bible Devotional Verse of the day reminders from King James Bible (KJV Bible App)

▪︎ Write your thoughts and inspirations on the daily Bible verse of the day and night prayer. Study scripture in depth.

▪︎ Jump from Holy Bible verse to verse in the King James Bible (KJV Bible) anytime anywhere by swiping left or right

▪︎ Browse your personal Holy Bible journal history and past Bible verses of the day

▪︎ Copy and paste with ease

▪︎ Study King James Holy Bible Offline Daily

▪︎ Share KJV Bible App verses and scripture with your family, women, and men friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

▪︎ Turn on Audio to listen to Prayer Music and receive audio based prayer alarms


▪︎ Mark as Read: the King James Bible or the KJV Bible App keeps track of which Holy Bible chapters and daily KJV Bible verse of the day you’ve read

▪︎ Keep a record of your time with God: KJV Bible App allows you to browse your previous Daily Bible devotional journal thoughts, inspirations, and study materials

▪︎ Share scripture with your friends, family, both men and women to encourage others to read and study more of the Holy Bible daily

▪︎ Listen to Prayer Music with your Audio ON


▪︎ Read and study scripture through the King James Holy Bible App daily. This KJV Bible app contains the King James Bible and is an effective KJV study Bible

▪︎ King James Holy Bible (KJV), also known as the KJV Bible App, is the most read English Bible version in the world

▪︎ Read the King James Bible Version without access to the internet in english

▪︎ Read, Give & Share the bible app free

▪︎ Most loved by women because of beautiful devotionals and flower decorations


▪︎ Email: [email protected]

▪︎ For the ESV Bible and the NIV Bible version, please contact us

King James Daily Bible App is a Free English KJV Bible App that includes the 1611 King James Bible with both the New Testament and the Old Testament. Our mission is to help Christians stay closer to the Bible and God’s word daily. You will be reminded to read the Holy Bible but also be more motivated to read the KJV Bible App through our Daily Promise Devotionals. The whole King James Holy Bible is already in the app and you may highlight verses in red letters. No internet or additional downloads are needed. KJV Daily Bible is constantly improving. Please bear with us as we vigorously create the Bible app free and easy to use. Thank you for your support.??

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