Radar - AccuWeather supports an animated radar of the area. You can see the clouds, temperature, and rainfall situation.
News and videos - It gives you access to real-time big news and weather videos offered in two languages, English and Spanish.
Real-time Forecasts - It updates the weather condition every 15 minutes including humidity, visibility, the speed of the wind and so on.
Risk - The risk tab includes various types of severe weather over the next eight hours, like rain, snow, ice, wind, fog, thunderstorms, etc.
More About AccuWeather
Alarms - The alarms tab gives you a hint about the potential weather alarms over the next five days. Including wind, rain, snow, etc.
Weather Forecasts - AccuWeather provides hourly and 5-day detailed forecast including specific interval to get more details about the weather now and then.
Home screen displaying - There's a status bar on the home screen from which you can see the current temperature of where you are standing.
Video - The video tab contains a local report, regional report, breaking weather news and a national weather overview. You can choose to see a low res video or a high res one.