Google Assistant

  • 4+ ALTER

Über diese App

  • Name Google Assistant
  • Kategorie Produktivität
  • Preis Free
  • Sicherheit 100% Safe
  • Entwickler Google LLC
  • Version 0.1.474378801
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Google Assistant

Latest Update: Better Organized Settings Menu

Rather than keeping the settings all dumped into a single list, Google Assistant plans to add three categories to the settings menu:

· Customize your Assistant:General, Access your Assistant, Accessibility, Assistant devices, Languages, Assistant voice & sounds, Your information, At a Glance

· Get things done: Continued Conversation, Home & family, Notes & Lists, Reminders, Routines, Shortcuts

· Manage apps & services: Preferred apps & services and Your apps

This small change will make things look and feel more manageable.

What can Google Assistant do?

Text to someone some messages

Make a phone call instantly

Help people set some reminders of something

Create a calendar event

Push weather information for users

Direct people to some place via navigation

Let people get update with the latest news

Open their favorite music

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