Clash of Kings

  • 4+ ALTER

Über diese App

  • Name Clash of Kings
  • Kategorie Strategie
  • Preis Free
  • Sicherheit 100% Safe
  • Entwickler Elex Wireless
  • Version 2.16.0
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings
Clash of Kings


★ Build an Empire

Users must construct your buildings under the enemy invasion in real-time. During day and night, the threat is continuous.

★ Join an Alliance

Find an Alliance to join in and construct your city under their help. With the players of Alliance, you guys can fight other Alliances and take part in NPC battles.

★ Research trees

Players can choose certain points to focus on, like Resources, City Development, Military branches, and City Defense. Build a College with them.

★ PvP focus

Join in events to gain rewards, sttack your neighbors and rank on the game boards.

Clash of Kings is a kind of impressive game you want to play all the time. Buildings and units are well designed in the match. Impressive buildings, troop graphics, and decent sound make the game a pretty decent wargame.

Clash of Kings has its extensive combat system, which makes it worth downloading and playing.

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