Boom Beach

  • 4+ ALTER

Über diese App

  • Name Boom Beach
  • Kategorie Strategie
  • Preis Free
  • Sicherheit 100% Safe
  • Entwickler Supercell
  • Version 26.146
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach
Boom Beach

Boom Beach is a strategic battle mobile game developed by Supercell Oy in Finland. It was released in China in 2014. After the first release of Boom Beach on Android systems on August 21, 2014, it got 0.8 million active users, and iOS version ranked the first one on the game list.

How to play this game, please take the following steps for reference:

  • Taking the players' island as the center, in this game, players need to detect the targets through the radar.
  • Then players need to spend money to explore the targets and finally capture the target enemies by the military fees.
  • Players will get the medals after the successful occupation of the enemies' territory. Meanwhile, players will also get the extra gold by liberating the captured islanders.

There is one thing you need to take notice of, that is, the network connection is required if you want to play this game. You can see the features in the following part:

  • Players can play with millions of players all over the world.
  • Get upgraded by fighting against the evils' attack.
  • Explore an amount of target enemies and save the captured islanders.
  • Join the other players together to accomplish the tough task and missions.

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