Google Podcasts

  • 4.5 التقييمات
  • 430M التنزيلات
  • 4+ العمر

حول هذا التطبيق

  • الاسم Google Podcasts
  • الفئة موسيقى وصوت
  • السعر Free
  • الأمان 100% Safe
  • المطور Google LLC
  • الإصدار
Google Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts is a new podcast player for Android users, where they can discover and listen to the world’s podcasts. You can subscribe to any podcast for free and download episodes for offline playback. All your listening is automatically synced across devices so that you can pause on one device and resume on another with the Google Assistant.


Customise your listening experience

  • Subscribe and listen to any podcast for free.
  • Listen to podcasts at faster playback speeds or skip over silences.

Listen on all your devices

  • Listen to the same podcast on multiple devices - your phone, your laptop, your smart speaker - without losing your place. Pause on your phone and pick up from where you left off on your Google Home.
  • Find podcasts using the Google Search App and the Google Assistant.

Recommendations for you

  • Find the latest episodes of your favourite podcasts directly on your phone.
  • Discover new podcasts based on your listening history and preferences, or take a look at what is popular and trending.

التطبيقات ذات الصلة